Plant Spring Flowering Bulbs!

Spring Flowering Bulbs

It is not too late to plant bulbs for color in the Spring!  Spring flowering bulbs help to awaken us from the long cold time of Winter, and act as an inspiration and reminder that beautiful flowers are on the way!  Flowers from bulbs will begin to appear in sunny exposures in March (weather depending) and will continue into June!

My favorite types of bulbs for Spring color include Crocus (small and large types), Tulips and Daffodils.  The smaller varieties of Tulips and Daffodils (or Narcissi) are closer to their origins in the Steppes of the Mid-East (Turkey, Kazakstan areas).  These varieties are hardier and will naturalize and multiply more readily than their larger and flashier cousins, and they will be around your garden for many years to come!

Don’t forget to plant Alliums!  Flowers of the Allium family (related to onions and garlic) vary in color from white, yellow, blue, pink and purple.  The flower clusters also vary in size from 1″ up to 6-8″, and in height from 6″ to 3-4 feet!

Bulbs do not like to sit in wet soil, so make sure to plant them in sites with good drainage and

Enjoy the Color and Diversity!


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